Green tea has the same source of plant as black tea. The only major difference between green and black tea is oxidation. Green tea doesn’t have oxidization, but black tea does. You may have noticed it already, but yes, black tea has a much stronger taste as compared to green tea. If you search “green tea” on Google, you’ll find an ocean of case studies, and a lot of those case studies focus on the weight loss benefits of green tea. Sure, black tea and white tea have weight-loss advantages, but green tea boosts the weight loss process faster.
Just like black tea, many people drink green to maintain oral health. The green team has natural fluoride, polyphenols, and catechins, which may sound like alien names, but they can kill bacteria, prevent tooth decay, gum diseases, and bad breath. Green tea also has many cancer-preventive benefits. It can prevent pancreatic, bladder, lung, stomach, breast, and prostate cancer. The same catechins that maintain oral health can also reduce the growth or formation of tumors. It is one of the reasons people consider green tea as an anti-cancer beverage.